
War, what is it good for? Absolute fun and profit, that’s what it’s good for! If your childhood was anything like mine, you played the card game War often. One day the casino execs woke up and decided to bring this popular card game to the casino. In Las Vegas, War was a side game.…

Tips For Playing Roulette

Playing roulette means playing your luck. There are systems and strategies for playing roulette, but it is one of the most difficult of gambling games to strategize and all roulette systems are seriously flawed. It is simply a game of luck. With that being said, there are still helpful hints and tips for playing roulette.…

Casino Winnings Tax

The casino winnings tax that is charged to all persons who are not United States citizens is a way for the IRS to take up to 30% of your winnings. Casino winnings tax is taken out before you are ever given your winnings at a casino. When you win money from keno, bingo, horse racing,…